If You Really Want to Be Rich, You Need to Do This, Says Mark Cuban (Nếu Thật Sự Muốn Giàu Có, Hãy Thực Hiện Những Điều Này, Mark Cuban Bật Mí)
https://syntheticbilingual.blogspot.com/2022/08/if-you-really-want-to-be-rich-you-need.html Updated: Aug. 20, 2022 at 9:26 a.m. ET By Alisa Wolfson Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/picks/if-you-really-want-to-be-rich-you-need-to-do-this-says-mark-cuban-01660495225?fbclid=IwAR2bn1BDfjyCqqbO08XmIf1MYyBLOGZvP4_yZOSfzOoPYTF3_2OQigj4JCA (Vui lòng xem bản dịch tiếng Việt bên dưới) Recently, we came across a simple piece of money advice from billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban on his Maverick blog that we felt resonated in today’s money-stressed world. Cuban answers the question “so what should you do to get rich?” with this point first and foremost: “Save your money. Save as much money as you possibly can. Every penny you can. Instead of coffee, drink water. Instead of going to McDonald’s, eat mac and cheese. Cut up your credit cards. If you use a credit card, you don’t want to be rich. The first step to getting rich requires discipline. If you really want to be rich, you nee...